The Earth Defense Force Wiki
Dragon Centipede

Dragon Centipedes (also shortened to just Centipedes) are a boss enemy in Global Defence Force, and in the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita versions of the game. They also appear in Earth Defense Force: World Brothers' DLC called Additional Mission Pack: Another ResCUBE.

Global Defence Force[]

In smaller clusters, they are instead known as Dragon Worms. However, both types act the same: Each segment charges up and then launches a mortar-like spray of acid that travels upwards and then down in an arc towards wherever their target was standing before launch. When struck, they will sail into the air and seemingly glide back to the ground. EDF Intel advises not utilizing explosive weaponry against a Centipede, as it will separate them into smaller Dragon Worm clusters, which will leave the soldiers to focus on multiple targets at once all firing their acid.

Dragon Centipede shooting acid

It's raining acid!

It also has a powerful ability to destroy the framerate.

Missions where Centipede(s) appear(s):

Earth Defense Force: World Brothers[]

EDF- World Brothers Centipede

Centipedes in Earth Defense Force: World Brothers work they same way as in Global Defence Force spraying acid and breaking into smaller pieces. Centipede is present in the mission pack DLC and appears in the 8th mission called Centipede Hunt!

Enemies in the EDF Series
Monster Attack AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntSaurousDarogaUFOCarriersMothership
Global Defence Force Giant AntCrimson AntsQueen AntFlying AntBauKing SpiderEggAnthillsDragon CentipedeSaurousUFOElite SaucerShield BearerImperial GuardBomberSuper BomberDarogaDeroyGilioMothershipFloating City Adan
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space Giant AntCrimson AntsQueen AntFlying AntBauKing SpiderEggAnthillsDragon CentipedeSolasUFOElite SaucerShield BearerImperial GuardBomberSuper BomberDarogaDeroyGilioMothershipFloating City Adan
Earth Defense Force 2017 Terror AntsCrimson Terror AntsQueen AntAssault SpidersKing SpiderHolesVallakGunshipHectorCarriersQuadruped FortressMothership
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon AntsAnthillsSpidersTickersWaspsBomber SpiderGunshipHectorCarriersDaddy Long LegsRobotic Praying MantisMothership
Earth Defense Force 2025 AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntSpidersKing SpiderRetiariusHornetDeath QueenTunnel ExitDragonsGreater Wild DragonMutantsFlying DroneRed DroneFlight VehicleShield BearerTransport ShipLarge Transport ShipHectorDeroyArgoQuadruped FortressMothershipEarth EaterBrain
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntSpidersKing SpiderRetiariusHornetDeath QueenTunnel ExitDragonsGreater Wild DragonMutantsErginusFlying DroneRed DroneFlight VehicleRed Flight VehicleShield BearerTransport ShipLarge Transport ShipHectorDeroyArgoQuadruped FortressMothershipEarth EaterBrain
Earth Defense Force 5 AntsCrimson AntsQueen AntEggSpidersKing SpiderAraneaRollerHornetQueenHiveTadpoleColonistCosmonautErginusArchelusBattle DroneType 2 DroneBomber DroneLanding ShipTeleportation ShipTeleport AnchorShield BearerDeroyOutpost BaseMothershipNameless
Earth Defense Force:
Iron Rain
Storm AntsStorm Ant ScoutZombie AntsImperial AntsCrazy AntsWinged AntsQueen AntEmpress AntBomb BeetleGreen Bomb BeetleWolf SpidersBaby SpidersDeathstalkerSiderosBeizalRaznidScourgerScourger BeastAttack PodHarvesterGargantHivecraftRaidshipPillar
Earth Defense Force:
World Brothers
AntsSpidersCarriersHornetDarogaGunshipHectorErginusSiderosBeizalSaurousRobotic Praying MantisShield BearerVallakDragon CentipedeQuadruped FortressDark Tyrant
Earth Defense Force 6 AntsCrimson Ants Green, Golden AntsAggressive Alien Species α PlusMother Monster PlusAggressive Alien Species Beta PlusQueen AntSpidersKing PlusAraneaRollersTeleportation ShipsKruul CapsulesTeleportation AnchorsTail AnchorsDeath BlossomsFlying-typesRed Flying-typesDeath Queen Red Death QueenColonistsCosmonautsErginusArchelusSirenScyllaGlaukosKruulElder KruulKrakensDark DemonsRingTime ShipsMothershipGiant AndroidsHigh Mobility AndroidsRed AndroidsAndroid ArtilleristsAndroid GrenadiersSuicide AndroidsBattle DronesType 2 DronesType 3 DroneExcavators