G-L.I.A.R.(Ganglion-Linked Intelligent Aggressor Reinforcement) are the tamed aggressors ridden by Prowl Riders
All specimens have a special ability that when used will make you leap off its back and then it will perform a unique attack before burrowing into the ground. After a specimen burrows into the ground you can't get it back until you activate overdrive again. So it's best to perform them when you no longer need your G-L.I.A.R. or when your overdrive is almost up. However the moment overdrive ends it will burrow into the ground even if the special move hasn't been performed fully so make sure you don't wait too long to use it. although several special moves are not particularly useful so it's often better to just keep attacking until it's over. The name itself seems to be a reference to ancient Japanese myth, with it sounding (especially when said quickly) like "Jiraiya", a man who rode a giant toad.
Specimen No. 1: Storm Ant[]
The first G-L.I.A.R. that the EDF mobilized in actual battle.
Essentially a living tank, a G-L.I.A.R. is a giant creature controlled using the Prowl Rider's E-Needle ability, which sends neural pulse waves after linking to the giant creature's nerve fibers.
This specimen is a Storm Ant that was plundered from the Rebellion's base along with the Prowl Rider technology, and is currently the EDF Science and Technology Bureau's top research priority. After repeated field testing, G-L.I.A.R. is now being used by the Blast team, but much of its control mechanism remains shrouded in mystery, with some calling it a "black box" that could go wrong at any time. All we can do is trust the bug geek...err, tech expert that EDF Science sent with it, who claims it is a "kind and gentle creature."
- Attack 1: Fang Thrust
- Attack 2: Acid Blast
- Ability: Can Walk on Walls
- Special Attack: Charge
The Storm ant being the first G-L.I.A.R. you have access to will allow you to climb walls, bite and spit acid but since aiming is difficult you may be better off not actually using it to fight and instead use it as transportation to help you get close to a target without being knocked down. The special attack makes you jump off the Storm Ants back but is actually quite strong being able to clear a long path through enemies but will make it burrow into the ground after.
Specimen No. 2: Wolf Spider[]
A mid-range support G-L.I.A.R.
This captured Wolf Spider, controlled using technology obtained from studying Specimen No. 1, is the first G-L.I.A.R. completely developed by the EDF.
As with standard Wolf Spider enemies, its net attack is not a source of damage, but can be used strategically to impede enemy movements. Its jumps cleanly exceed 30 meters, allowing the user to easily escape from any situation.
According to Japan, by complete coincidence, the pronunciation for "G-L.I.A.R." is very similar to "Jiraiya," a legendary ninja who rode on a giant toad.
- Attack 1: Web Throw
- Attack 2: Release Babies
- Ability: Jumps
- Special Attack: Web Blossom
Despite the description the Wolf Spider is capable of dealing damage with its webs. By summoning babies and shooting webs to slow enemies down you will be able to stay back away from the danger unlike the other G-L.I.A.R.s. The special attack makes you jump off Wolf Spiders back and even if you are in the air immediately place it on the ground and it will spin surrounding it with a wall of webs and then burrow into the ground. This is the least useful special move since if you are about to be overrun you can simply use your E Needle to swing away.
Specimen No. 3: Deathstalker[]
A G-L.I.A.R. designed for use at raid missions.
This G-L.I.A.R. was developed by the EDF by applying the technology obtained from Specimen No. 1 to a captured Deathstalker.
This monster has the power to make concrete buildings crumble just by walking, and is the bug geek...err, trainer...no wait, G-L.I.A.R. tech expert's favorite. Both of its attacks can only be used at close range, so the best strategy is to rely on its inherent defensive capabilities and charge head on toward enemies.
During G-L.I.A.R. experimentation, there have been reports of the neurological link between the test subject and the giant creature becoming too strong. When this happens, test subjects claim to lose control of their thoughts, and to see bugs as "delicious." To avoid becoming a human scorpion, it's probably best to get off the creature as soon as Overdrive ends...
- Attack 1: Pincer Attack
- Attack 2: Venom Spray
- Ability: Can Destroy Buildings
- Special attack: Charging Tail swipe
The Deathstalker is quite possibly the best G-L.I.A.R. of them all being both fast, invulnerable and extremely deadly. It will allow you to dispatch virtually any ground based opponent extremely quickly and its ability to attack with its pincers without slowing down allows you to plow through crowds of enemies or even buildings as you make your way towards tough enemies. The venom spray while a potent DoT is hard to aim and stops you from moving so it's usually better to simply move forwards while using your pincer attack. The special attack will have you leap off the Deathstalkers back and it will charge forward, swipe twice with its pincers, perform a tail swipe hitting everything around it in a large radius and then burrow into the ground. If you find yourself having to deal with two or more tough enemies that are not close together activate your overdrive as close to one as possible so you have more time to defeat all of them.