Haze, also known as "Dark Monsters" are a new type of enemy introduced in Earth Defense Force 6, usually seen around the Kraken. It's design is similar to that of a squid with bulbus eyes, though it only has six tentacles and lacks any arms. Strangely, the Haze float through the air as if they're swimming, with zero methods of propulsion.
The Haze first appear alongside the Kraken in mission 112, The World Gone Mad II, though, compared to future levels, they appear in relatively low numbers. They serve as end game, monster type enemies, usually relying on swarm tactics to overwhelm pray. To attack, the haze stretch their tentacles in an attempt to impale the target. Once killed, the Haze produce a black mist impossible to see through, furthermore, once one dies, for two seconds, the Haze in the surrounding area have their speed multiplied by five.
Similar to Aggressive Alien Species Alpha, the Haze also hatch from eggs. First appearing in mission 115, The Big Day ††††††††, the Haze's eggs are stationary and initially non-hostile oval shaped objects. However, upon taking damage they will quickly hatch, unleashing a single Haze. The eggs never usually hatch and mostly rely on the player or an AI soldier's misfire to hatch.
- Strangely, when stabbing via extending it's tentacles, it plays the same sound as when a Flying Aggressor's stingers fire.