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Natural Calamity is the fourty-second offline mission and the fourty-fifth online mission in Earth Defense Force 2025 and the fourty-fourth offline mission and the fourty-seventh online mission in Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair.


Both Versions: Engage the Ravagers' flying drones that have entered the city.


HQ start the mission by telling that the Ravagers' drones are coming and Storm Team can already see them flying between the two largest skyscrapers in front of them.

While they are fighting, Ranger-7 can be heard over the radio saying that they can see flying hexagon shaped objects. Then another soldier comments that it's a huge army to which Ranger-7 replies that they aren't just an army and the sky is pitch black.

After a while the objects also appear over Storm Team's position. Ranger-21 then reports that they are covering the sky, to which HQ intelligently asks whether he meant that they are covering the sky. The Tactics Officer then clarifies by saying that the flying objects are connecting to build a wall then HQ, still not on top of his game, asks whether she meant that they are building a wall. The TO then patiently explains that the hexagons have been appearing around the world and started covering the Earth in a wall. HQ then questions what the ravagers are planning and seems to be finally catching on what the soldiers meant by "swallowing the Earth".

The TO then reports the appearance of a new type of Flying Vehicle, a bit late since they were here since the previous mission. Soon enough one of the hatches on the hexagons open and the new drones start to pour out and HQ orders to destroy them. Then some soldiers who probably didn't hear what the TO said shout that they flying vehicles and that it's a new type.

Ohara then starts another monologue about how the Ravagers' force is bigger than they though. Then he again shows how little he knows about physics (or any science, really) by stating that the Ravagers have weapons that are equivalent to a planet's mass. While it's unknown how big the hexagons' mass is and it could be possible that he's right, the fact that they can cover the Earth means that they have larger surface area and not mass. HQ asks for a counter measure to which he exclaims that it's impossible and they are like gods. HQ finally gets tired of his rambling and only says "I guess so".

When Storm Team finally finishes off the flyers, five more hatches open and HQ warns that more Flying Vehicles are coming. He then gives the hexagons the designation "Earth Eaters".

Ohara then makes the important discovery that the Earth Eaters are dropping Flying Vehicles.

When all of the Flying Vehicles are destroyed the mission ends.

4.1 Changes[]

The mission is now set on the City 2 map. Storm Team starts at the highway, and are facing the park.

Storm Team is now accompanied by a Fencer and a Wing Diver team.



No allies on this mission.


  • A team of 6 Wing Divers equipped with Lances appears near the players at the begining of the mission.
  • A team of 6 Fencers equipped with 30mm Gallic Heavy Cannons appears near the players at the begining of the mission.


Both Versions[]

Wave Spawn Enemy Amount Notes
1st Appears at the begining of the mission. Flying Drone 30
2nd Appears after a certain amount of time. Earth Eaters No weapons on basic types.
Earth Eater Hangar 1 Drops once.
Flight Vehicle 34
3rd Appears after the previous drones and vehicles are destroyed. Earth Eater Hangar 5
Flight Vehicle 10 each

Online Limits[]

Armor Limit

There's no limit for Inferno difficulty.

Difficulty Ranger & Air Raider Wing Diver Fencer
2025 4.1 2025 4.1 2025 4.1
Easy & Normal 920 922 510 511 1150 1152
Hard 2209 2448 1154 1274 2761 3061
Hardest 3472 4211 1786 2155 4340 5264

Weapon Level Limit

Game Easy & Normal Hard Hardest Inferno
2025 13 36 61 -
4.1 13 38 64 -

Approximate Weapon Drop Rate

Game Easy Normal Hard Hardest Inferno
2025 5-9 7-11 22-34 4-59 13-73
4.1 4-9 7-12 23-38 0-60 14-74



The only enemies on this mission are flyers so bring weapons with good accuracy and/or missile launchers that can shoot multiple targets. You might also consider bringing a high damage weapon against the Earth Eater Hangars. Air Raiders should forgo the air support and artillery and instead bring ground support equipment preferably turrets.

This mission is one of the few that is set on the City 2 map, where the overpass above the park isn't completely destroyed. It covers a large amount of area and grants a great defense against flying enemies and should be used.

The second wave spawns a large amount of enemies (34) from one hangar. It takes time for all of them to spawn so if you brought a weapon with high enough damage then it's possible to destroy the hatch and prevent many of them from being deployed.

The last wave is also dropped from the hangars, this time from five of them. The individual hatches drop less vehicles (10), so it's not as effective as in the second wave, but destroying the hangars is still a good idea.

Levels: Earth Defense Force 2025
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind BreakUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonHigh-SpeedBrute ForceCharge Phase 1Charge Phase 2
31-40 Charge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarshipDenseCrossingSearchWaterside Bugs
41-50 AnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue FightersEarth DefendersMountain Pass TrapFortress FrenzyPincerRavages of War
51-60 Air MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise AttackBug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet BelowBad PremonitionCity of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)
61-70 Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain LiberationSniper AttackTowering BeastTeeth of the UniverseGiant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of Thieves
71-80 Death QueenMachine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity FlawsMonster CampFallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivine
81-85 The ThreatBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationScorchingStar Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 2025 Online
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind BreakUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsSummit ShipAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonHigh-SpeedBloody MountainBrute Force
31-40 Charge Phase 1Charge Phase 2Dark PrisonerCharge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarshipDense
41-50 CrossingSearchWaterside BugsAnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue FightersEarth DefendersFleet Attack
51-60 Mountain Pass TrapFortress FrenzyPincerRavages of WarAir MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise AttackBug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet Below
61-70 Bad PremonitionCity of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain LiberationSniper AttackMountain GiantsTowering Beast
71-80 Teeth of the UniverseGiant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of ThievesDeath QueenMachine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity Flaws
81-90 Monster CampFallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivineThe ThreatTroubled ValleyBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationLegion of Monsters
91-94 ScorchingDemon ArmySurrounded!Star Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 2025 DLC
DLC 1: Special Forces ExplorationGiant's AdvanceSilver CampCitadelFloating Fleet
DLC 2: Mutant Rampage AdvanceMountain AssaultEnemy Camp InfiltrationUnderground AdvanceGiant RobotsBattle SpeciesBeast MountainDark ArenaGathering AroundArmored SpeciesIron WallMountain of ChangeWhirlwind of DeathBugged CityThe ToughGolden DarknessTrue KingFinal ImpactInto DestructionShip of Dragons
DLC 3: Beyond Despair TrackingUnderground ComplexBlocked PassClose FormationDragon Ship FleetHeavy ArtilleryBloody RiverDangerous GoldminesBeast MobilizationTotal ProtectionAerial BombingKing of ArmorCannon DefendersTraps BehindFour Kings of NightmaresResistance Against the TwilightShivering NexusThree GiantsCrimson LotusStarry Prison

Levels: Earth Defense Force 4.1
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind ShearUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonAssaultHigh-SpeedBrute ForceCharge Phase 1
31-40 Charge Phase 2Charge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarshipHigh DensityDozing BeastCrossing
41-50 SearchWaterside BugsAnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue FightersEarth DefendersMountain Pass TrapFortress Frenzy
51-60 PincerRavages of WarCrashAir MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise AttackBug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet BelowIll Omen
61-70 City of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain LiberationBattle of GiantsSniper AttackTowering BeastTeeth of the Universe
71-80 Giant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of ThievesDeath QueenMachine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity FlawsMonster Camp
81-89 Fallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivineThe ThreatBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationScorchingStar Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 4.1 Online
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind ShearUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsSummit ShipAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonAssaultHigh-SpeedBloody Mountain
31-40 Brute ForceCharge Phase 1Charge Phase 2Dark PrisonerCharge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarship
41-50 High DensityDozing BeastCrossingSearchWaterside BugsAnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue Fighters
51-60 Earth DefendersFleet AttackMountain Pass TrapFortress FrenzyPincerRavages of WarCrashAir MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise Attack
61-70 Bug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet BelowIll OmenCity of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain Liberation
71-80 Battle of GiantsSniper AttackMountain GiantsTowering BeastTeeth of the UniverseGiant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of ThievesDeath Queen
81-90 Machine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity FlawsMonster CampFallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivineThe Threat
91-98 Troubled ValleyBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationLegion of MonstersScorchingDemon ArmySurrounded!Star Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 4.1 DLC
DLC 1: Time of the Mutants Air OffensiveGiants AdvanceReconDust TownDefense LineUnderground AdvanceWar BreedMountain AssaultEnemy Camp InfiltrationDark ArenaBeast MountainGod's ArmyThe GatheringArmored SpeciesIron WallSilver BaseShifting MountainWhirlwind of DeathBugged CityToughnessGolden DarknessTrue SovereignFinal ImpactFloating FleetInto DestructionShip of Dragons
DLC 2: Extreme Battle Tracking BogeysUnderground ComplexBlocked PassClose FormationDragon Ship FleetHeavy ArtilleryOverflightDangerous GoldminesBeast MobilizationTotal ProtectionBombs AwayKing of ArmorCannon DefendersBloody RiverThree GiantsTraps from BehindThe Four HorsemenCross the LineFacing OffCrimson LotusShivering NexusLast BastionStarry Prison
