A mysterious "Pillar" object that has suddenly appeared in various areas around the world. While thought to be an Aggressor weapon, Pillars never initiate an attack. However, when the EDF attempted to destroy one, the Pillar's defense mechanism responded by releasing a precise electrical attack that obliterated the attacking team. Also, because no EDF weapons have made even a scratch on a Pillar's surface, they are believed to have an extremely durable exterior, or to possess a protective shield.
While still largely a mystery, they emit a very intense heat, and are thought to store immense amounts of energy inside. Many giant creatures and ravagers gather around them, perhaps seeking this energy, creating a place of social interaction for the Aggressors. The EDF continue to carry out missions to exterminate the enemies gathered around these Pillars, and while it is unknown if these missions are effective, there are some that question this strategy.