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Setting Sun is the fourth mission in Earth Defense Force 2025 and Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair. It is the first to introduce the new Retiarius enemy.


2025: We've lost communication with the Wing Diver team. Head to their last location and support the Wing Divers.

4.1: We've lost communication with the Wing Diver team. Head to their last known location and support them as needed.


The giant insects are clearly on the ball and have discovered the key weakness of the Wing Divers is their complete inability to look where they are going, resulting in Wing Diver Unit 4 becoming trapped in enormous, obvious webs created by spiders the size of a football field.

Ignoring this radical new development in the field of stupidity, HQ orders Storm Team and the Rangers to assist the Wing Divers and destroy the new giant insects. Ohara is baffled by this new development, wondering if it means that the giant insects knew what the EDF were planning, while HQ, clearly trying to out-confusing him, grumbles that the "Ravager technology" has evolved beyond the Wing Divers.

As the last Retiarius dies, Ohara, well, um...look, we'll just leave it here and let you figure it out.

"Does this mean that the progress of the giant insects exceeds human wisdom? Progress faster than science is impossible! But..."

4.1 Changes[]

Aside from being able to cause a Retiarius to let go without needing to do enough damage to kill it, no changes.


Both versions:

Retiarius x 8 with webs (all spawned at level start)

Online Limits[]

Armor Limit

There's no limit for Inferno difficulty.

Difficulty Ranger & Air Raider Wing Diver Fencer
2025 4.1 2025 4.1 2025 4.1
Easy & Normal 435 434 267 267 544 542
Hard 1547 1562 823 831 1934 1952
Hardest 3031 3546 1565 1823 3789 4433

Weapon Level Limit

Game Easy & Normal Hard Hardest Inferno
2025 3 25 50 78
4.1 3 25 53 80

Approximate Weapon Drop Rate

Game Easy Normal Hard Hardest Inferno
2025 0 0 8-20 0-45 0-51
4.1 0 0 10-25 0-46 0-51


Both Versions[]

This mission starts in the park area of City 2 and goes into the square with the two largest skyscrapers. Many of the buildings in this mission have Retiarius webs attached to them; any such building is rendered indestructible.

Setting Sun is a very easy mission even on Inferno as long as the player knows what Retiarii actually do. The Retiarius' only attack is to spit a series of thick silk threads that are thrown in an arc; they can do this through buildings. If a player character touches a thread at any time before it disappears they will become trapped, taking damage-over-time every second or so (increasing to multiple times per second on higher difficulties) and being pulled in towards the spider. A trapping strand will flash red, and it is possible to be trapped by a thread that has already caught something else. There are only two ways to escape being trapped in 2025: kill the spider, or get fully pulled in, in which case the Retiarius will drop the player character into their web.

This is not an improvement, since the only way to escape a web is to destroy that, the web is much tougher, and it also deals damage over time. Jumping or walking into a web will also lead to becoming trapped, though the securing strands are not part of the web's collision or hitbox and will not trap characters (or take damage). The Retiarius will also sometimes decide to shoot a character in its web at point-blank range, dealing far more damage than usual.

Since the mission only includes a few tough enemies that attack at long range, it is advisable to bring a sniper rifle, rocket launcher or similar. Because most of the enemies are high up, the Air Raider's default Gigantus tank is practically useless except against the first two Retiarii; if the player has started on hard and has unlocked an Epsilon Armored Railgun they should use that instead, though hitting the fourth Retiarius, high up between two buildings on the right, is very hard even with this.

NPC Wing Divers are trapped in most of the Retiarius webs and can be freed and recruited if the webs are destroyed; if not, they will eventually be killed by either the Retiarii or damage-over-time from the webs themselves. The webs are much tougher than the Retiarii and take a long time to bring down with starting weapons.

The Retiarii will mostly concern themselves with saving the city from rampaging civilians until they are aggro'd, whereupon their attention will be almost exclusively on the character that wronged them. It is therefore a good idea to take them on one at a time. Destroying their webs will drop them to the ground and make them easier to target, though it takes some time.

There is a rather annoying zoom-in on a trapped Wing Diver at the start of the mission that does not pause gameplay; this can result in the player being hit by a Retiarius while they cannot see their character. Luckily, it is possible to disable this and other effects like it by switching "camera effects" to "off" in the option menu.

As in the previous mission, while the player is told to save the Wing Divers, there is no requirement to do so and no penalty if they all die before the mission ends.

Levels: Earth Defense Force 2025
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind BreakUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonHigh-SpeedBrute ForceCharge Phase 1Charge Phase 2
31-40 Charge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarshipDenseCrossingSearchWaterside Bugs
41-50 AnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue FightersEarth DefendersMountain Pass TrapFortress FrenzyPincerRavages of War
51-60 Air MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise AttackBug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet BelowBad PremonitionCity of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)
61-70 Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain LiberationSniper AttackTowering BeastTeeth of the UniverseGiant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of Thieves
71-80 Death QueenMachine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity FlawsMonster CampFallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivine
81-85 The ThreatBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationScorchingStar Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 2025 Online
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind BreakUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsSummit ShipAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonHigh-SpeedBloody MountainBrute Force
31-40 Charge Phase 1Charge Phase 2Dark PrisonerCharge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarshipDense
41-50 CrossingSearchWaterside BugsAnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue FightersEarth DefendersFleet Attack
51-60 Mountain Pass TrapFortress FrenzyPincerRavages of WarAir MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise AttackBug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet Below
61-70 Bad PremonitionCity of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain LiberationSniper AttackMountain GiantsTowering Beast
71-80 Teeth of the UniverseGiant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of ThievesDeath QueenMachine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity Flaws
81-90 Monster CampFallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivineThe ThreatTroubled ValleyBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationLegion of Monsters
91-94 ScorchingDemon ArmySurrounded!Star Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 2025 DLC
DLC 1: Special Forces ExplorationGiant's AdvanceSilver CampCitadelFloating Fleet
DLC 2: Mutant Rampage AdvanceMountain AssaultEnemy Camp InfiltrationUnderground AdvanceGiant RobotsBattle SpeciesBeast MountainDark ArenaGathering AroundArmored SpeciesIron WallMountain of ChangeWhirlwind of DeathBugged CityThe ToughGolden DarknessTrue KingFinal ImpactInto DestructionShip of Dragons
DLC 3: Beyond Despair TrackingUnderground ComplexBlocked PassClose FormationDragon Ship FleetHeavy ArtilleryBloody RiverDangerous GoldminesBeast MobilizationTotal ProtectionAerial BombingKing of ArmorCannon DefendersTraps BehindFour Kings of NightmaresResistance Against the TwilightShivering NexusThree GiantsCrimson LotusStarry Prison

Levels: Earth Defense Force 4.1
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind ShearUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonAssaultHigh-SpeedBrute ForceCharge Phase 1
31-40 Charge Phase 2Charge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarshipHigh DensityDozing BeastCrossing
41-50 SearchWaterside BugsAnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue FightersEarth DefendersMountain Pass TrapFortress Frenzy
51-60 PincerRavages of WarCrashAir MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise AttackBug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet BelowIll Omen
61-70 City of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain LiberationBattle of GiantsSniper AttackTowering BeastTeeth of the Universe
71-80 Giant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of ThievesDeath QueenMachine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity FlawsMonster Camp
81-89 Fallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivineThe ThreatBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationScorchingStar Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 4.1 Online
1-10 ReconveneSpreading DisasterWinged War GoddessSetting SunWind ShearUnderground CaveEruptionRetaliationBeach FearThe Return
11-20 Air ForceDay of the DemonsTakedownPreventing LandfallLand CollapseFortress SiegeValley ShadowsArtilleryBreaking ThroughShining Stronghold
21-30 Into the DepthsA TrapGiant RobotsSummit ShipAnchoredSilver CityCrimsonAssaultHigh-SpeedBloody Mountain
31-40 Brute ForceCharge Phase 1Charge Phase 2Dark PrisonerCharge Phase 3ThunderInfiltrationConvergenceInfernoStarship
41-50 High DensityDozing BeastCrossingSearchWaterside BugsAnnihilationNatural CalamitySteel BeastVoid ShipBlue Fighters
51-60 Earth DefendersFleet AttackMountain Pass TrapFortress FrenzyPincerRavages of WarCrashAir MobilizationBug InvasionTransport Ship Surprise Attack
61-70 Bug KingCrazy SkiesThe Fleet BelowIll OmenCity of HorrorMountains AblazeBreaking Through (2)Bug TowerFortress AttackMountain Liberation
71-80 Battle of GiantsSniper AttackMountain GiantsTowering BeastTeeth of the UniverseGiant ShipSpearheadTower SiegeDen of ThievesDeath Queen
81-90 Machine SquadMonster PartyLabyrinth of LightCity FlawsMonster CampFallen FlagshipHeaven's ArmyEncirclingDivineThe Threat
91-98 Troubled ValleyBattle to the DeathMassive MobilizationLegion of MonstersScorchingDemon ArmySurrounded!Star Eaters

Levels: Earth Defense Force 4.1 DLC
DLC 1: Time of the Mutants Air OffensiveGiants AdvanceReconDust TownDefense LineUnderground AdvanceWar BreedMountain AssaultEnemy Camp InfiltrationDark ArenaBeast MountainGod's ArmyThe GatheringArmored SpeciesIron WallSilver BaseShifting MountainWhirlwind of DeathBugged CityToughnessGolden DarknessTrue SovereignFinal ImpactFloating FleetInto DestructionShip of Dragons
DLC 2: Extreme Battle Tracking BogeysUnderground ComplexBlocked PassClose FormationDragon Ship FleetHeavy ArtilleryOverflightDangerous GoldminesBeast MobilizationTotal ProtectionBombs AwayKing of ArmorCannon DefendersBloody RiverThree GiantsTraps from BehindThe Four HorsemenCross the LineFacing OffCrimson LotusShivering NexusLast BastionStarry Prison
